[REVIEW] ACTION STRIKES in BEAT Magazine (6 out of 6)

ACTION STRIKES strikes again 🙂 It has another awesome review in the German BEAT magazine (Issue 02/14) with a perfect 6 out of 6 score.

We translated some quotes for you:


“6/6 Points, buy recommendation!”
“A real recommendation for spectacular percussion arrangements with epic Hollywood sound!”
“Thanks to the flexible combination of rich detail of sampled drums and ensembles as well as versatile loops the Library can set impressive accents in a saturated market.”
“Action Strikes does not only offer a wide range of dynamically and expressively playable instruments, but also a high ease of use.”

You can check out the german article here: http://www.testberichte.de/a/audio-software/magazin/beat-2-2014/388336.html

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