A lot of composers are using ACTION STRINGS and they tell us how they like working with it and how it affects their workflow. We’re glad to share their experiences in our News section and on our home page.

Borislav Slavov, Composer (Crysis 2, Two Worlds 2): “ACTION STRINGS is an amazing library and a composition tool, which can save you a lot of precious programming time without sacrificing creativity and quality. I will definitely use it on the next projects. Great job, Dynamedion and Native Instruments!”

Chance Thomas, Composer (Lord of the Rings Online, Avatar, King Kong, The ChubbChubbs (Oscar-winner)): “I installed Action Strings yesterday, and already it’s making my life easier.  The quality bar of my virtual mockups just took an exponential leap! I love having so many archetypal string patterns available at my fingertips.  The aural quality is excellent, especially with a little massaging from the sound controls (mic placement, EQ, reverb options). The preset pattern groupings are very useful, especially when first learning the ropes.  After that, the ability to build custom pattern templates (up to 10 patterns in each template) is extremely valuable.  Using key velocity for changing tonality (rather than dynamic level) was initially counter intuitive for me.  But once I got used to it, I quite enjoyed the added flexibility.  Very clever, actually!”

Petri Alanko, Composer (Alan Wake): “The interface of Action Strings is much clearer and more logical for a musician than any competitor’s slider editing thingy – Wow! Some serious stuff in here, packed with flawless professionalism, great idea and top-notch execution. Recommended!”


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