The Score – Useful Tips

THE SCORE is our groundbreaking all-in-one scoring-tool, covering a massive palette of genres, styles and instruments. Our goal is to provide you with the perfect assistant, making composing as creative and free as possible, without any limits. Skip all technical burdens and start making music now.



There are three different MIDI export functions in The Score:

When you play a story while your DAW playback is running, all MIDI data (notes & automation) generated by the engine is recorded internally and can be dragged as separate tracks into your DAW (or can be saved as a MIDI file by dragging into Explorer or Finder).


Chord Studio:
For chord progressions created in the Chord Studio, you can export a MIDI file by dragging into your DAW as well.


Melody Studio:
The Melody Studio, a separate Kontakt patch that includes special instruments and tools for creating and editing melodic lines, also supports MIDI export.



More complex chords are also supported in the Chord Studio: advanced tensions/chord types are available as well, such as add9, diminished 7, min7/9, #5. Also, you can select inversions and add bass notes, so if you want you can build even more complex chords (for example Gsus4(b9) can be added by selecting Dø7 / G). Or very basic ones like power chords – very important for orchestral music.


And one more little gem in the Chord Studio: Additionally to the parts (Intro, Main A, Main B, Outro which are reflected as keyswitches in the exported MIDI), there’s also a dedicated dynamics view that lets you control the dynamics of a story (mod wheel) over time by editing the envelopes.

This CC1 automation is also included when you export the MIDI part so that you can replicate (and further edit) these little arrangements in your DAW.


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