All products within the series
Origins Bundle Vol. 1-5
EDU, Misc InstrumentsThe Origins Bundle Vol. 1-5 includes 10 wonderful playable solo ethnic vst instruments, combined in 5 instrument-pairs, with beautifully interlocked and entwined pulses, patterns and arpeggios. -
Origins Bundle Vol. 6-10
EDU, Misc InstrumentsThe Origins Bundle Vol. 6-10 features 10 beautifully recorded instruments combined into 5 intriguing sets, each powered by their own arpeggiator creating unique rhythms and patterns. -
Origins Vol.10: Contrabass Panduri & Tanbur
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsThe deep sonority of the Contrabass Panduri perfectly complements the twangy drones of the Tanbur. Experience these two individually playable instruments with our innovative Multi-Arpeggio Designer. -
Origins Vol.9: Ronroco & Bouzouki
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsBouzouki from the Aegean and Ronroco from Latin America reach across the seas to come together. The metallic sounds of the Bouzouki with the pastoral nature of the Ronroco ignite a beautiful, yet disparate timbre. -
Origins Vol.8: Fado Guitar & Cavaquinho
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsTwo string instruments that form the basis for Portuguese and Latin American music. The cheerful strums of the cavaquinho make for the perfect bed upon which lie the soulful melodies of the fado guitar. -
Origins Vol.7: Tar & Chonguri
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsTar and Chonguri are two incredibly beautiful eastern string instruments. United, they form the perfect couple for this ethnic string plug-in. Both amazingly complement each other’s tonal colors and allow a huge variety of timbres. -
Origins Vol.6: Muted Guitar & Harmonics
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsThese two electric guitars – played and processed totally differently – immediately carry you to a modern world of sound. From delicate designed to rich and cinematic patches, it serves the sonority and flexibility. -
Origins Vol.5: Ukulele & Muted Piano
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsPlay bold, grounded and wide-open sequences with the Muted Piano, add the light touch of the Ukulele, let both instruments playfully mingle, use a wide variety of effects from percussive timbres to ambient pads and more. -
Origins Vol.4: Oud & Qanun
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsDesigned with a focus on user friendliness to facilitate an expedient workflow, Oud & Qanun is an excellent companion in the quest for authentic, fresh and captivating musical experiences. -
Origins Vol.3: 12-String & Balalaika
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsPairing a radiant 12-string guitar with the signature sound of the Balalaika to enrich your composition with ethereal textures or ethnic trills, shine the spotlight on the instrument's warm, bright timbre, or bring an electric, gritty vibe into the mix. -
Origins Vol.2: Music Box & Plucked Piano
EDU, Pianos & Keys, Plucked InstrumentsThe rhythmically interacting and enriching interplay of the music box and the plucked piano offer the best possible basis to create eerie, anticipation building or dreamy moods on the fly. -
Origins Vol.1: Steel Tongue & Sansula
EDU, Plucked InstrumentsMeld into rich and diverse sonic landscapes with the soft, but rich sound of the Sansula, an recent advancement of the Kalimba, and the percussive sound of the Steel Tongue Drum.